881 - 890 of 989 resultsPage: 187 88 89 90 9199
  • No man who is willing to subject himself to additional years of torture out of duty and loyalty to his comrades-in-arms can ever be truly called a scoundrel.
  • For the stated purpose of reviving our economy, this is nothing more than an exercise in silliness.
  • If you aren't quite sure just what you want, they can't really help.
  • Like the Terminator, if there's just one finger still working, she'll drag herself forward by that one finger.
  • Absolut believes that they will gain by linking their concept of "An Absolut World" to a world in which significant parts of the American West are part of Mexico.
  • The Transportation Security Administration? Hardly. Thousands Standing Around? Not that either...
  • Justice Brandeis said, "[The] right to be let alone - the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
  • European in-house lawyers would rather face litigation in China and Russia than in America?!
  • They told us how they cooked the books. What have they been doing the rest of the time?
  • If Microsoft ends up actually paying the fines which have been assessed by the EU Anti-Competition bureaucracy, it will make a bigger contribution to the EU budget than many member countries.
881 - 890 of 989 resultsPage: 187 88 89 90 9199
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