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Still At War, Like It Or Not

Wars don't disappear because you refuse to acknowledge them.

By Hobbes  |  September 18, 2012

It's hard to know what adjective to use to describe last week's worldwide Muslim barbarism.

Was it "shocking"?  In order to be shocked by yet another round of riots and murder by yet another mob of Muslims, you'd have to have been living on Mars for, oh, the past couple decades.  Muslim barbarism such as men raping women so they'd be willing to become suicide bombers is so ordinary, so common, so expected, that it's no longer shocking.

Was it "horrifying"?  The dictionary tells us that horror is an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.  We've ruled out shock.  We, of course, are disgusted, but apparently our national and global leaders aren't, since they aren't doing anything about what is under longstanding international law an act of war against the United States.

A nation's embassy is sovereign territory of that nation; invading it by force and murdering ambassadors and other American citizens is an act of war  just as surely as if Muslim mobs rampaged across the Rio Grande and started shooting up Texans.  Oh, but that was just an unruly mob of random citizens?  Wrong: Libyan security officials led the mob to where they'd stashed the ambassador "for his safety."

How about fear?  Now we're getting somewhere, but not anywhere productive: as surely as night follows day, the usual accusations of "Islamophobia" or an irrational fear of Islam are being thrown around.

Yes, a phobia is a fear, but an irrational one.  How is it possible to have an irrational fear of Islam?  If you were afraid that Muslims were really space aliens in disguise here to suck out your brains, OK, that would be Islamophobia, an irrational fear.

There's nothing irrational about fearing for your life when, in point of fact, rampaging mobs of Muslims are murdering innocents the world around.  There's nothing irrational about worrying for your country when, in point of fact, Muslim leaders of Muslim countries have called for the total and complete end of American civilization for years now and take every opportunity to bring that day closer one corpse at a time.

The Religion of Peace on parade.

No, the war declared against the West by Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini more than thirty years ago is still continuing on, despite America's steadfast refusal to admit it for what it is.  In a larger sense, though, it's the same war against the forces of decency and civilization declared by Muhammad fourteen hundred years ago, fought by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours, the Holy Roman Empire at the gates of Vienna a thousand years later, and innumerable battles in between.

For the last few hundred years, the Islamic world has been too weak to seriously threaten Western nations as it did so many times during the Middle Ages.  That doesn't mean the Koran has changed, or the religion of Islam: how many times do we have to see Muslim protesters on the streets of Western capitals holding signs calling for beheadings and butcherings before we'll conclude that, gee, maybe there's something about Islam that leads its adherents to violence?

Could it possibly be the dozens of passages in the Koran calling for every conceivable sort of barbarism to anyone Muslims don't like - not just Jews and Christians, but anyone who rejects immediate conversion to Islam?

We are confronted not by a handful of extremist nutjobs, but by an entire culture containing hundreds of millions of people and dating back a millennium and a half which is inherently, fervently, devotedly opposed to every freedom we hold dear.  No, not every last member of that culture personally lifts a gun in anger, but is that now the definition of a war?  Not every last German toted a rifle in WWII nor every last Southerner in our Civil War, but that didn't make those conflicts any less real or much less deadly.

And what do we do when presented with this implacable foe?  While the very Cairo embassy was surrounded by a howling mob, its pusillanimous residents sent out the most abject, debased Tweet of apology for our First Amendment that can be imagined:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.

Awww, did somebody hurt your wittle feewings?  It's time for Muslims to put on their big-girl panties and recite that old playground ditty: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Are Muhammad and Allah really so weak, powerless, and generally worthless as to be in mortal danger from a two-bit Youtube movie that nobody saw until Muslims themselves started promoting it?  How dare our official American representatives, supposed to be defending the U.S. Constitution, drag it in the dirt this way?

We'd say "What could be worse?"  But we've already been shown what's worse, as the LA Times reports:

Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.

Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies escorted a man believed to be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula to an awaiting car.

The article was titled "Alleged 'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker taken in for interview" - just like a news article would refer to an "alleged" murderer or "alleged" burglar.  So now filmmaking is a crime that needs to be investigated?  What country are we living in, again?

There's no other way to describe this than as Glenn Reynolds does at Instapundit:

By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath [of office].

No wonder our State Department's stripedy-pants brigade doesn't feel the Constitution is worth defending - their own boss, the President of the United States who we all thought we saw take an oath to defend it, doesn't even trouble himself to obey it!

Our president wasted no time in sending the cops to haul a man out of bed in the middle of the night who'd done nothing more than exercise his First Amendment liberties that thousands of Americans died to defend.  Our president, though, couldn't be bothered to so much as warn our embassies that they were in danger even though we received a warning three days in advance.

Oh, we're at war, all right.  The trouble is, we aren't just at war against Islam.  It's increasingly clear that, if there is to be an America with American values, American freedoms, that respects the American constitution and follows the American political system which supports the American economy and American way of life... we're at war against a lot more than that.  Our enemies within are a far greater threat than our enemies without, because they won't even admit that we have any enemies without.