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Swimming in the Swamp

Trump wins because he's willing to get down and dirty.

By Hobbes  |  October 4, 2018

It's hard to know for sure through all the chaff thrown up by the fervently leftist mainstream media, but there seems to be a possibility that the American people are as disgusted with the revolting, un-American, debauched, shameless fraud shown by the Democrat party's treatment of Judge Kavanaugh as we are.  Rasmussen Reports - admittedly rightist in tendency - claims a majority are, even including a third of Democrats!

At the same time, the Democrat most responsible for this disgrace, Dianne Feinstein (D, CA), is seeing a precipitous drop in the polls for her  campaign - though because of California's jungle primary system, that means if she's replaced, it'll be by someone even more deranged.  Perhaps the feminist psychopaths in the State of Fruits and Nuts simply don't like failures, as it seems that Sen. Feinstein will likely fail in her attempt to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court despite pulling out all the stops and sacrificing every shred of honesty or human decency she may once have possessed.

Is there anything of redeeming virtue in this sordid episode, which has left every single American institution covered with more filth than a frat-party bathroom floor the morning after?

Actually, there is - maybe.

Reality Checks: Always Worthwhile

German imperialist Otto von Bismark supposedly said, “If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either being made.”  Being generally libertarian, we don't much like laws in the first place, but the filthiest sausage factory Upton Sinclair described in his muckraking slaughterhouse investigations (which led to the creation of the FDA and ultimately to our modern all-encompassing regulatory state) looks like an operating theatre compared to our Congress.  No matter how amoral, corrupt, venal, or dishonest we imagine our politicians to be, they - or at least, many of them - have just shown themselves to be worse than we imagined.

Is this particularly new?  We tend to think not; they've simply done a better job of hiding it in the past.  Flipping over the rock so we can see all the filth under it a great service done to the American people.  Our political culture has not been sullied by the Kavanaugh episode.  Quite the opposite: this episode has simply revealed to everyone how sullied our politics already were.

Did the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" reign supreme until last week?  No: it seems that it's been dead for years, we just didn't realize it.

Are our supposed leaders generally cooperative, except when they're seized by a temporary fit of insanity?  Not really: the lynching of Judge Kavanaugh was led not by newly-elected young guns eager to make a name for themselves, but by wrinkled veterans who've occupied the pinnacle of power for longer than most of their voters have been alive.  The youngest among them, Cory Booker, didn't manage to accomplish much more than making himself a laughingstock.

No, nothing has changed; all is as it's been.  There is nothing new under the sun.  The difference is that all of America has had its nose rubbed in reality.  What's more, in a month, all voting Americans will have an opportunity to express how they feel about filth at the polls.

Credit Where It's Due

If politics has been this filthy for a long time, though, why only now are we seeing it?  There's one big, orange reason: none other than Donald J. Trump himself.

Why?  Think about it for a moment: is there any other Republican who would have supported a judicial appointee accused of rape by an apparently credible witness and given him the opportunity to publicly defend himself while also forcing her to air her charges in public in the traditional American way?

For that matter, how many other Republican presidents would have appointed a man of such backbone as to be willing to fight back in the way Judge Kavanaugh has?

Yes, two decades ago Clarence Thomas stood up to false charges of sexual harassment.  There is a big difference between vulgar sexual harassment and actual rape.  Back then, the media at least accurately reported the substance of the accusations against Judge Thomas; today, the media trumpets "rape" whereas, in fact, Judge Kavanaugh's main accuser didn't claim that he'd committed rape, she spoke merely of misdemeanor assault.

In other words, not only did the media report accusations with not one whit of evidence, they falsely expanded those allegations to include an even worse crime than was claimed in the first place!  It's anybody's guess whether Justice Thomas would have been able to stand up to that sort of treatment, and no doubt he is thanking his lucky stars that he didn't have to find out.

Why the escalation?  Because this time, the Left's chosen victim did not back down.  So they tried harder, and harder, making up more and more scurrilous and transparently unlikely stories, assuming that surely, surely, this latest brickbat would be the one that finally would make Judge Kavanaugh, or President Trump, cry Uncle and quit.

Haven't they yet realized that President Trump never quits?  It's his greatest strength as well as his greatest weakness; we can all be grateful that the evil enemy still hasn't figured out how to use his persistence in the face of adversity against him.

That's for another day, though.  Today, enjoy a scene even more powerful because of its rarity: Republicans standing up to the swamp!

For lo these many years, swamp creatures have been largely undisturbed in their lavishly taxpayer-funded swamp.  Whenever some shining young Mr. Clean attempted to give the swamp a good thrashing, they had merely to turn and roar in his direction.  The filthy spray and stench of rotten deals was enough to drive anyone scurrying back home.

But not Mr. Trump!  Somehow, he's not bothered by the foulness of his surroundings.  Rage and threaten as they will, the swamp creatures can't seem to stop him from manfully trudging through their swamp, drying out one patch at a time in the harsh light of day.  Yes, he's covered with filth himself, but the swamp is no longer completely shrouded in mist.

It'll be a long time before the swamp is fit for decent people to swim in; we may never see another "Honest Abe" Lincoln.  But we've learned two things: just how bad it is, and that it can be defeated or at least pushed back.  Maybe others will follow the trail Mr. Trump has blazed?