Ruled by the Shadow Tyrants

In which it looks like evil triumphs.

For quite some years, American dreams have been haunted by Miss Clavel's nightmare - "Something is not right!"

The problem is laying our finger on what exactly has gone wrong.  The easy answer is that half the country has rejected sanity and reality and are little better than deluded zombies, marching to an evil drummer that noble you has strength enough and wisdom enough to resist... Of course, they think the same thing of you, in reverse.

A slightly better answer is that, for a hundred years, the enemies of liberty and American have, ever so slowly, one step at a time, taken control of all America's major institutions of power, communications, and education, through  Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci's ideas best described as a "Long March through the institutions."  This is how the writers of Scragged tend to view our current situation, as it lines up with observable and recorded reality, but it isn't very useful in telling us what we need to do today - we don't really have a hundred years to march things back.

Instead, as is our wont, we seek wisdom from studying historical analogues to learn from the past and, perhaps, use it to glean suggestions about the future.  Unfortunately, this hasn't been as helpful as might be expected.  Rack our brains as we might, we can't come up with another example of a nation whose leaders, be they elected or inherited, actively hate their subjects and seek to harm, impoverish, or replace them with an entirely different population.

Yes, Hitler hated and wanted to exterminate German Jews, but they were a small minority of his citizens; most Germans were, well, German, enshrined by Nazism as genetically-blessed members of the Master Race.  In contrast, even today most Americans are white, Christian, or male, yet most of our elites spare no effort to end up with subjects that are none of the above.

What's going on in America is much more similar to conquest by an outside force.  Yet even there, the similarities are quite limited: when an invading army defeats your and occupies your country, just about everybody understands that they have, in fact, been invaded and occupied, and everybody on both sides knows who the enemy is.  That's certainly not the case here.

Only in science fiction and conspiracy theories does one find examples of a hidden foreign conquest, such as the notorious "reptilian conspiracy theory" which claims that shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. As un-American as we believe all too many of our ruling elites, socialists, antifa, BLM, and other such to be, we refuse to consider them to be literally inhuman.

When Hitler Didn't Cheat (Much)

There are many different ways of "invading" and "occupying."  Consider the Anschluss, where Nazi Germany annexed Austria right before WWII.  Germans and Austrians spoke the same language and had a similar cultural heritage; many of them had shared a country at one time or another as the borders of Europe skittered around throughout the 1800s.  Yes, the Nazis crossed the border with stormtroopers, but they weren't there to fight - they'd been "invited" in by a (forged) telegram from a Nazi sympathizer who hadn't yet assumed the Prime Ministership, but did shortly after the Nazis arrived to help ensure that the putative "will of the people" was properly carried out.

It had been generally thought that most Austrians didn't really want to unify with Germany, but to mild surprise, Hitler was greeted by cheering crowds of ordinary Austrians.  We'll never know how much of this was heartfelt vs. a response to the presence of Nazi tanks, but it certainly wasn't all fake.

Not long afterward, Austria held a referendum to merge with Germany which achieved a majority of votes, but by that time Hitler had imprisoned the leaders and prominent members of opposing parties, as well as of course Jews.  Historians generally consider the voting to have been accurate, in that the ballots were filled out by actual voters and tabulated correctly, but since a) Hitler had already locked up everyone who didn't like him and b) ballots were filled out in the presence of an overseeing official who took careful note of how you voted, it could hardly be said to be free or fair.

As far as we can tell decades later, it's probably true that most Austrians were OK with Anschluss, and propaganda combined with credible threats meant that overt cheating wasn't required once Hitler had removed his opponents from the voting rolls.

More recently, Vladimir Putin did something similar when he occupied the Crimea, which had been part of the Ukraine for decades.  There were strong historical and cultural ties between Crimeans and Russians; Putin also carefully used little violence and showered ostentatious benefits on his new citizens.  He didn't even have to lock up opponents en masse - Crimeans who didn't care to be Russians simply fled across the unguarded border into the rest of Ukraine where they already held citizenship.  By the time he held a referendum, even outside studies indicated that most of the remaining Crimeans really did want to join Russia, though perhaps not the 97% reported by election officials.

Voting Out a Dictator

In the previous two examples, one-sided propaganda and manipulation led to the desired result without having to resort to outright ballot packing.  There are also examples of dictators who've held free and fair elections that they expected to win, but it turned out that they were the only ones who believed their own propaganda.

Chile's Augusto Pinochet is perhaps the best-known example of this startling outcome.  In 1973, he took power in a coup, imprisoning and exiling thousands of political opponents and ruling mostly unchallenged for 15 years.

In 1988, he felt comfortable enough to put his reign to a vote to grant himself another 8 years.  He even allowed the election to be largely free and fair, granting the opposition free electoral advertising on national television.  Apparently, he felt that he'd done a pretty decent job of running Chile, which by comparison with previous governments, he arguably had.

The voters felt otherwise: his "re-election" was defeated by a margin of 10 percentage points.  Shocked, Pinochet called for his generals to implement a self-coup, taking over the capital with military forces; they declined, and he peacefully left office.

It is far from unheard of, to say the least, for powerful people to be too full of themselves to hear the grumbling of the masses.  Our American elites had just such an experience in 2016, when a buffoonish billionaire beat the most qualified person ever to run for the Presidency - or so they supposed.  Somehow, despite all their education, they were incapable of seeing Hillary's earsplitting shrillness or stomach-churning corruption, contrasted with Trump's decades of actual visible accomplishment in the real world combined with a manly self-confidence in forward motion.

Tenuous Grips on the Levers of Power

Our elites seem to have failed to grasp the limits of their power even now.  They thought they had things in the bag for Hillary.  This time, they thought the fix was in for a Joe Biden landslide.  That's why he didn't really have to campaign - so long as he did nothing so spectacularly outrageous that the media couldn't cover for him, he'd be dragged across the finish line by fraud.  Hunter Biden's laptop came close, which is why the Tech Lords engineered an unprecedented news blackout to stop news of Hunter's sexual and financial escapades from spreading.

They're certainly doing a far more competent job of across-the-board cheating and manipulation this time around... perhaps too competent, given the odd coordination of multiple Democrat-run cities in battleground states abruptly stopping counting votes in the middle of the night, giving Republican counties a chance to complete their counts and turn in their numbers first.  This is precisely what was reportedly done in 1960 by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, delivering the election to JFK.

That was just one state though, and a notoriously corrupt city. Can the Left accomplish this in a half-a-dozen different places at once?  Do they think nobody will notice that Joe Biden got a lower percentage of votes than Hillary Clinton in every single major Democrat-run city in the nation, except specifically Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia - just those cities in the battleground states where he needed a few more votes to eke out a win?

For the fact is, they aren't able to wield many of the classical weapons of electoral manipulation.  They certainly can't imprison all their opponents ahead of time Hitler-style.  Thanks to our long tradition of secret ballots, they can't intimidate most people by watching them vote - though that's a strong argument against widespread mail-in balloting, where "harvesters" can actually watch the voter vote and reward or punish them as desired.

Every trick in the propaganda trade has already been tried, and largely failed - Mr. Trump's percentage of voters was, at worst, only slightly less than four years ago, and his number of votes significantly more.

Josef Stalin never had these problems - he always won with 99% of the vote ensured by the secret police, but everybody knew the elections were meaningless.  America presents a more challenging problem - our elites must maintain the illusion of a real election while actually controlling the outcome.  This is turning out to be a far more difficult balance than they imagined.

Four years ago, they thought the propaganda was sufficient and mass cheating not required.  This time, there's been even more propaganda, and certainly far more cheating... but will there turn out to have been so much that it can be actually proven?  Particularly in the face of a massed media that simply refuses to report anything that looks bad for Democrats or good for Mr. Trump?

At the moment, the country is carpeted in statistical impossibilities that - shock! - all swing Joe Biden's way.

In this election, Democrats with a sub 40% enthusiasm level for their candidate, were able to erase gains in states Trump won, erase registration advantages, turnout record voters, and beat their 2016 turnouts by 20 and 30%? It doesn’t add up.

A real media would be doing some serious investigating.  Instead, every single mass media source - yes, even the nominally "conservative" media - is saying that Mr. Biden won and that Mr. Trump just needs to go away.

Where Is The Man?

Perhaps the biggest disappointment of the Trump years is that, after four years of The Donald showing us "how it's done" by defying the Democrats when they tried to derail Justice Kavanaugh and stared them down when they kept the Russia hoax going, there is still not one single other Republican both able and willing to take the battle to the enemy and win even occasionally.  A bare handful, like Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, are willing, but they seem to be too senatorial to get traction with ordinary folks the way the President can.  We saw several astoundingly-talented young Republicans try what seemed like should have been a compelling arguments - only to be squashed at the polls after being outspent.

The question we've been asking for a long time now remains unanswered: what, exactly, do you and I do besides buying guns and ammo?  It appears that Democrat electoral corruption skills now exceed their incompetence and are sufficient to make up for what total control of propaganda and a massive spending advantage can't do for them.  Yes, possibly a slightly-Republican Senate will be able to block the worst excesses of single-party rule assuming that the Democrat fraud machine in Georgia can't steal the last two Senate seats they need, but what difference will it make if there is no one with the imagination and cunning to lead us?

Joe Biden is not a would-be dictator.  Kamala Harris may have fascist dreams, but she has neither the intelligence nor the personal support to make it work.  In the end, they're not really the primary problem anyway - what must be overthrown is the establishment that, year after year, indoctrinates the young to be leftists as the older Americans who remember what America is supposed to be die off.

If Americanism and conservatism is to be locked out of power for the foreseeable future, perhaps we'll take the opportunity to learn how to combat the expertise the other side has developed - how to throw wrenches in the gears, how to use "lawfare" against our enemies, how to defend our allies against assaults, all things that the right has shown itself utterly incompetent at.  Whoever develops these abilities may be the next generation of leaders on the right; for sure, there are plenty of empty seats going begging.

We find ourselves echoing the Lord as quoted by the prophet Ezekiel:

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found noneEzekiel 22:30

Petrarch is a contributing editor for Scragged.  Read other articles by Petrarch or other articles on Partisanship.
Reader Comments

Petrarch, that was so well written that I can think of nothing to add. Outstanding!

November 7, 2020 10:24 AM

one of the major differences between the NAZIcrats and the non-NAZIcrats (to most of whom reference is often made as "republicans") is that the former all lust for power and are willing to march in lockstep with the Dear Leader towards a common goal, while the latter are a grab-bag of individuals with differing goals, and none of whom pay a lot of attention to leaders. note that these are generalizations; not all NAZIcrats work with the boss, and their lust for power may be less than that of the squad, but they *all* see no problem with any of the current shenanigans of the Party. the republicans, OTOH, sometimes do organize, or at least cooperate enough, to get constitution-approved legislation passed. this has to change, but i hold out little hope for that.

maybe it is time that the republicans went the way of federalist party, but as intimated above, the individuals making up the current republican party aren't likely to all agree to form a new party, so that's out ... at least for the time being. i suspect that evil *will* triumph in the coming weeks, but most free americans (i.e., those who reject leftist lies and propaganda) will soon enough get fed up; unless the NAZIcrats are smart enough to ratchet up the grip they have on our throats slowly enough that one generation fades into another and nobody notices the tightening noose, for which i don't think the left has the patience, we'll have a second civil war.

under ordinary circumstances in this nation, when a political party thoroughly screws up its responsibilities, it gets voted out of power. since this can only be an option for the next 4 to 6 years, after which The Party will have in place procedures to keep power in perpetuity, there will be no civil outlet for frustrated and brutalized free people except for revolution. mr. jefferson is said to have noted that the tree of liberty occasionally needs to be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants, and unfortunately, although no rational person would actually want that to happen, leftist thought leader *do* want that, and are likely to bring it on. free people recognize that equal treatment under the law is the only thing that keeps us civilized, so we should keep on respecting the law, until it becomes clear that the law no longer means anything. after all, it is the socialist LEFT that flouts the law, not free people; let us not *help* the NAZIcrats destroy the republic. there will be time enough for violence when civil war begins.

November 8, 2020 2:41 AM

I, too, have been trying to figure out the who, what and why of the sorry state we find ourselves in today as a nation. As the article describes, the left has successfully infiltrated and now controls many fundamental institutions like education and the media. So while one can point to these and the fact that for 60 years the left have been trying to kill God, these are, in my opinion, contributing factors only. More of the “how” America is being dismantled. Good information to have surely.
And frankly, I don’t have a clear, precise statement as to the who , what and why, although I believe I have parts of it. I agree with the article that there is no one person at the top and Shadow Tyrants is as good a moniker as any. The main idea I am formulating is that what we are experiencing is the age old battle between the wealthy, elite, ruling class for which rules and laws don’t apply, against the rest of us and for which rules and laws are applied to keep us all in line. No different from what we find throughout history where some ruler or pharaoh or king either abuses their subjects until subjects rebel, or the rulers recognize that if they placate the masses by allowing them to achieve and possibly themselves become wealthy, that they’ll have a relatively calm existence. I don’t have it all figured out yet and all the dots don’t connect as clearly as I’d like. But when I apply this model....that the elites, be they the super rich, politicians, political dynasty families, Wall Street, banks, corporations, etc... have decided that they are and always will be separate from the rest, and will no longer allow the vast majority, but not all, to achieve, the model kind of works and explains a lot. Like why would Obama buy a $12 million estate on an island if the sea is rising. Well since I am not a member of the elite, I’m not allowed to ask that question. Same with healthcare. Why don’t the elite have obamacare? Because it was designed for the masses, not the elite. And on and on. The elites want one worked where they sit at the top and the rest of us toil away producing whatever it is the elites want and need us to produce. What better way to end terrorism than to force us to live with the terrorists here in the US. If your neighbor is a Muslim radical, you and he or her better learn how to get along pretty quickly to avoid mutual destruction. But guess what, the elites will never have a radical Muslim move next door or any other potential threat. The elites believe that the majority of the rest of us will be satisfied with whatever they allow us to have. But we won’t because it contradicts the human condition and the soul. I can’t wait until all the woke generation have kids and who voted for these should crushing politicians when their little kid comes home from school crying because they were not recognized as being the best at something and instead a lesser deserving kid was selected because of the idiotic rules they keep trying to crush us with. These parents will be horrified when they realize what they’ve done.
What the woke generation has done is vote to be enslaved. Enslaved by the minority elite, whether they be the Clintons, Bush’s, Obama’s, AOC’s, Merkels, Googles, facebooks, twitters, etc...
As times goes by, I believe my little theory will become clearer. In the meantime, I’m planning on moving south to Tennessee to be surrounded by like minded, church going, gun owning, Christians. In the coming years, I think we will witness a great migration of conservatives from the democratic run states further delineating the rift between us and them.

November 8, 2020 8:51 AM

The "who" is anyone willing to raid the wealth of the citizens at large and use that wealth to pay the lowest bidders selling their votes. Obviously that have to increase the size of the government to gain access to larger sums to bribe with... They have to be careful to keep their voters relatively poor and in need of help - that means pressing them carefully and paying them just enough of the loot to keep them voting.

Blacks were willing for a long time, now maybe they are figuring it out. Immigrants... Illegals now that the tyrants have figured out how to let them "vote"...

Anyone willing to grow the government, deal with a bit of quid pro quo from big business wanting to swap some contributions for a few convenient changes to law...

It's a great scam.

In the last four years the tyrants seem to have been emboldened enough to attempt to eliminate the competition... pack the court to eliminate that problem, add some states to pick up the senate in perpetuity, bring in millions of illegals to vote in exchange for wealth taken from the productive... Then systematically stop the other side from communicating (after taking their firearms...

November 10, 2020 4:22 PM
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